Advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ by providing

RESCUE, RECOVERY & RENEWAL services to those in need.

Ready or Not . .

Klamath Falls Gospel Mission
THRIFT STORE “March Madness Moving Sale”

March 17th – 21st, 10am - 2pm

Sale prices on all items – specialty pricing on bedding and housewares.
Support your community Mission and save money!

location: 212 S. 9th St

After an arsonist set fire to our Thrift Store in May of 2023, the long arduous process of clearing, cleaning, and fixing the Cartwright building (where it was located) began. In early 2024, we leased the old Thrift Store location to Katy and Ben Baker to open Bumble Kids, a wonderful store of kids’ books, clothing, and toys.

We’re Back in Business

Back by popular demand

On Saturday, August 31st the Klamath Falls Gospel Mission Thrift Store is reopening in their temporary location just around the corner at 212 S. 9th St with a smaller and more select offering. The new KFGM Thrift Store will be open Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 10am-4pm.

Interested in volunteering?  Contact the Mission @ (541) 882-4895 to sign up

*We aren’t ready for donations just yet - still working through current stock - stay tuned for future donation announcements.


The Mission provides safe & sober shelter and daily meals to our community’s people in need.


The Mission offers opportunities for those who want to overcome negative life controlling issues, learn to apply new life principals and move from dependency to dignity and self-sufficiency.


Christian growth & discipleship, recovery from addictions, restoring individual’s lives and helps participants to become productive community members.



There are many ways you can help including the Kitchen, Thrift Store, Ministry Opportunities, Office Help, Maintenance, and more!



It is only with your generous support that we are able to continue to fulfil our mission of helping our community’s people in need.