Current Stories & Testimonies
Guest Stories
January 2025
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, declares the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
- Jeremiah 29:11
When Adam got out of prison, he figured he would just pick up right where he left off with friends and family; misery loves company. Adam quickly realized that decision was heading him in the wrong direction for the life he wanted and dreamt about from prison. Adam was living in the Eugene mission when he heard about Klamath Falls Gospel Mission… He heard KFGM was different, they hold you accountable, help you stay clean, and if you want to break the cycle, that’s the place to go.
Many of the guests who come to stay with us could be considered “outcasts” of the community, people whose brokenness and addictions have controlled and ruined their lives. Several mission team members have overcome addiction by the grace of God, so they personally understand these struggles and what it takes to conquer them. Jesus spent much of his ministry among people society would call outcasts or, “the least of these” (Matthew 25:40). At Klamath Falls Gospel Mission, we strive to empower our residents with the love and hope that each one of us have received from Him.
Adam was exposed to the Gospel at Klamath Falls Gospel Mission through our Devotions and Chapel services. The power of the Holy Spirit started to effect a change in his heart, and Adam met the Lord here. He joined his new Mission family at church every weekend and began working during the week.
In meeting with our Case Manager, every resident is required to develop a “game plan.” We discuss how they got here, where they are going, and how they will keep from coming this way again. We then hold them accountable to achieve their goals for self-sufficiency. After meeting with staff, Adam began working consistently, he was added to our Work Program, and encouraged to begin putting money aside for his future.
Adam developed a reputation at the Mission as honest and hard-working. With this new identity and saved resources, Adam took the initiative to reach out to DHS to reestablish a relationship with his daughter whom he hadn’t seen since being locked up. He was finally able to fulfill his responsibility of providing for his daughter.
Adam is now working full-time and living in a nice apartment - his life has been transformed by the truth of the Gospel. The road is closed to addiction, destruction, homelessness or return to prison by the grace of God. Like many of our residents, Adam still returns to the Mission weekly for chapel service. The day he left, Adam gave a huge hug to Matt, the Men’s Shelter Director, and thanked him for making him accountable in his recovery. As a recovered addict himself, Matt knows how hard it is to remain clean without someone to trust, someone to keep you accountable, and most importantly, the Holy Spirit.
By ourselves, we can do nothing, but we can do all things with Jesus Christ who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13)
Adam waves on his way to a new life
September 2024
Financial Fitness - Future Faithfulness
“Advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ by providing Rescue, Recovery and Renewal services to Klamath Falls.” This is our mission statement at Klamath Falls Gospel Mission.
To break the cycle of homelessness, you must change self-destructive patterns, whether that means ending the cycle of substance use, fleeing abusive relationships or learning to become financially responsible so you can maintain stable housing.
The Bible instructs us to be good stewards of the resources God has blessed us with. A good Bible teacher can coach us on how to use our spiritual gifts we have been given, and likewise, a sound financial advisor can train us to budget our resources so we can make solid decisions with our income.
Many of our guests at Klamath Falls Gospel Mission have never had this kind of education, which is often the reason why they continue to struggle with maintaining housing for any length of time and end up back on the streets. We aim to break that cycle.
Klamath Falls Gospel Mission partnered with Klamath Housing Authority and recently completed the 2nd Annual Financial Fitness course specifically for residents at the Gospel Mission. For one month, Michelle Scott and Donna Lindsey faithfully taught KFGM guests the importance of fiscal responsibility with their tested method that was both educational and engaging. With their vast experience, Michelle and Donna created a curriculum that is so beneficial that even some Mission staff participated in the class, and walked away better prepared for the future.
Luke 16:13 “no servant can serve two masters . . . You cannot serve God and money.”
The “Good news of Jesus Christ” is our primary focus at the Gospel Mission. With the help of community partners like KHA, we can teach our guests how to manage life and create lasting change to guide them in becoming successful contributors to our community. If we are successful, they will never need our services again. To God be the Glory!
September 2024
A New Day for Adah
Adah Hoey was referred to Berry House by a Refuge City Church member. Adah had just completed a treatment program in Redmond, OR after a long and difficult history with substances.
Adah moved back to Klamath Falls with the father of her child. When he produced a bag of meth and suggested they share it, Adah quickly left that house on foot with her baby in her arms. With no car seat or anything to support her, Adah turned to a church friend. She stayed for a couple of days with this friend before coming to the Berry house.
At Berry House, Adah found support, accountability and encouragement in parenting, sobriety and her walk with Jesus. Adah has been clean for one year as of July 4. Her life has been radically changed. Adah has taken on the responsibilities of a relief supervisor at Berry House and is looking at the new potential of her life to not just raise her son, but work a job or career in a similar field.
A shattered woman is restored and freed by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Adah thanks all of the people who support Klamath Falls Gospel Mission, though there are stories like this every day at KFGM, this one is Adah’s.
Colossians 3:10 “. . . and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.”
September 2024
Rescuing Robin
“I know all the birds of the hills and all that moves in the field is mine.”
In 1976, Robin found Jesus in Burlington, NJ. Though she moved around a lot back then, Robin always found a way to serve the Lord. She ended up in Benicia, CA at age 18 where she was tragically struck by a truck. Robin woke up in the hospital 4 weeks later with Traumatic Brain Injury, many broken bones and internal injuries. She’s struggled with chronic pain since that time and “backslid” in her walk with the Lord. Substances to allay the pain began to control her. Robin was diagnosed with Lupus at age 27 and chronically homeless by 2016.
Robin first came to Klamath Falls Gospel Mission in 2017 when we were located on Walnut St. She didn’t stay long – our rules were a little much for her then and she had a boyfriend she hoped would “rescue” her.
In late 2022, Robin returned to KFGM, in extremely poor health, broken, dejected, and ready for change. Robin had married and divorced her boyfriend and was acutely aware she could not depend on anyone. Robin feared that God forgot about her, but desperately wanted to find her way back to Him.
Matt 10:29-31 “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your father . . . Fear not, . . . you are of more value than many sparrows.”
At Klamath Falls Gospel Mission, Robin connected with the mental, physical and spiritual support she so greatly needed. Robin soon entered our Discipleship Program where she rediscovered the only one she could depend on - the God who loves and gave himself for her. Robin became a valuable servant at the Women’s House as House Manager and Resident Assistant. She ultimately ended the destructive co-dependent cycle that had consumed her life.
In the late spring of 2023, Robin moved into her own apartment and began a job to support herself. Though her body still struggles with pain, Robin’s spirit is invincible. In 2024, Robin relocated to the Midwest where she continues to grow, love and serve the Lord. Robin’s rescue, recovery and renewal are testimony to the valuable work we do here at Klamath Falls Gospel Mission.
As CS Lewis famously said, “you have never talked to a mere mortal,” every soul God brings to us is a potential Robin – loved and remembered by God.
March 2024
Results of the annual Point In Time (PIT) survey were released this month. Oregon moved up in2024 – from #6 in the nation (number of homeless per capita), to #3 – with a staggering 12%increase over last year. Oregon leads our nation in number of homeless young adults with children, a sad statistic for our state. Governor Kotek and legislators are furtively working toward solutions that will impact those numbers. Though urban and rural solutions differ, we know that faithless philosophy will not and cannot understand that the true basis of change exists only in Christ. All other ground is ‘shifting sand’, temporary at best.
Consider Trisha’s testimony. Trisha came to Berry House with her children for a second time late last year, extremely grateful for the amazing ministry of Klamath Falls Gospel Mission. A long and loving relationship with her boyfriend of 6 years was suddenly challenged by Trisha’s realization that her boyfriend was not a believer. Though she was happy, Trisha longed to come back to wholeness in her faith, something she had when previously at Berry House. She sincerely asked God if this was the man for her when a video popped up on her phone with the actual words, “no this is not the man for you.” Though Trisha knew Jesus was speaking directly to her, she found it hard to confront the man she loved and feared hurting him. A few days later, this same man told her she was “unpleasable” and claimed he didn’t find her attractive anymore. What might have devastated her became further confirmation of God’s direction.
Trisha stepped out in faith and trusted God’s plan for she and her boy’s life which led her back to Berry House. Surrounded by like-minded believers, Trisha was able to grow in her faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. Eventually, Trisha secured a place of her own to call home – a miracle for this grateful and blessed single Mom.
It’s not the kind of fix that Governor Kotek is looking for, nor does it meet the criteria for federal funding, but we believe the homeless solution is not more housing or more funding, it’s Jesus Christ! At Klamath Falls Gospel Mission we offer a “hand up,” restoring dignity and building stability for life change, not a hand out which only feeds or houses an individual today but does nothing to address the root problem or the soul. Our method of addressing homelessness isn’t the easiest, most cost-effective or fastest, but is the surest, safest, longest-lasting life-change method. Trisha and her boys met Christ through the Klamath Falls Gospel Mission and are eternally changed.
April 2024
“What would Jesus do?”, a popular bumper sticker originating from the Jesus Movement in the 1970’s encourages us to reflect on how our Savior would respond in any given situation. But we know how Jesus would act, because we read the Holy Scriptures.
At the Klamath Falls Gospel Mission, the Word of God is our guide. In John 28:19 Jesus gives his disciples the great commission to “go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” God continues to bless the Gospel Mission because we are faithful to His Word by doing just that.
Our Discipleship Program continues to bear fruit for His kingdom, as it changes lives by equipping students with tools to live out their lives in a way that honors God. It encourages them to exchange self-destructive behaviors that brought them to the Mission in the first place, with a grateful attitude of service towards others.
The God centered Program aligns with our mission statement: “Advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ by providing Rescue, Recovery and Renewal services to Klamath Falls”. We have learned from experience, that in order to help someone change their circumstance, they first need to change their heart. We know that Jesus is the author of heart change.
With support from dedicated volunteers, Pastors and Chaplains, our Program curriculum changes to address the needs of our Disciples, always having Christ at the forefront. Our current classes include: “Spirit Filled Christian”, “Christian Foundational Truths”, “Spiritual Warfare”, “The Wisdom of the Proverbs” and “Genesis Process”, a Bible based recovery program. Integral to our student’s success in self-sufficiency is a “Financial Fitness Workshop” sponsored by community partner, Klamath Housing Authority. Here students and guests alike learn the importance of being good stewards of the resources they have been entrusted with.
The apostle Paul exhorts his disciple Timothy to “Let them do good, that they may be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold of eternal life.” 1 Timothy 6:18-19
The work we have the privilege of doing here would not be possible without your prayers and support. Join us as we go about our Father’s business at the Gospel Mission, helping to change lives for His Kingdom.
May 2024
Shaylene, a 28-year-old mother fled a domestic abuse relationship with her daughters, ages 3 and 4.5 months. This wasn’t Shaylene’s first attempt at trying to get away from abuse, but she would always end up returning because she had nowhere to go with her daughter. After the birth of her second daughter, the abuse became more intense, driving Shaylene to seek counsel from her Pastor who referred her to Berry House.
Shaylene and her daughters came to Berry House in September of 2023. With the help, encouragement and counsel of Berry House staff and volunteers Shaylene reached out for safety and stability, eventually gaining enough strength and confidence to stand up to her abuser in court. Shaylene obtained full custody of her children, overcoming major fears of her abusers’ threats. Staff coached Shaylene and guided her through key life transitions with love and patience. Shaylene states her stay at Berry House was, “something I never experienced before. It was an opportunity to make major life changes to begin my journey as a single parent.”
Shaylene applied and in March 2024 she and her girls obtained their own home. Shaylene and family are now successfully living on their own. Shaylene has a job and attends college, working toward a business degree in efforts to earn an income that will adequately support she and her daughters. Shaylene and the girls regularly attend a partner church where Shaylene is growing in her faith and serves in the nursery - Shaylene says she learned about serving ministry by doing “give back” at Berry House. Shaylene credits Berry House with giving her the tools she needed for success. “This experience was a very good one. The people who keep Berry House going are wonderful and very much appreciated . . . a needed safe place to stay with little ones.”
Shaylene is one of the success stories we get to experience here at KFGM. We pray - you give - God blesses - and the Shaylene’s of our community are transformed!
Luke 6:20 “And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples and said: Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.”
God is working at Klamath Falls Gospel Mission – thank you for being a part of His hand to our community.
June 2024
The Bible is full of stories of God giving people second, third, fourth and “another” chances. Staff at Klamath Falls Gospel Mission are all recipients of God’s manifold grace and the blessing of witnessing when a guest realizes God has not forgotten them either.
Wenselao, or “Junior” as he likes to be called, has been working very hard daily since coming to the Mission with Klamath Works. As Klamath Works shares our parking lot, those working locally come to the Mission to eat lunch.
In April we were blessed when the Little Caesar’s pizza truck came, providing lunch for residents and patrons as a show of support for the work we do in our community. Junior was blessed with a great meal, and something even more special…
When Junior returned from a long day of hard work, he looked more energized that when he left that morning. He explained that during lunch, he reconnected with his daughter who was working for Little Caesar’s. Turns out Junior and his daughter have been estranged for 6 years!
Six years ago, Junior, a loving and protective father, advised his daughter not to be yoked with a boy that did not have the character he wanted to see in a suitor for his baby girl. Young love clouded her judgement, enabled by a strained relationship between Junior and her mother. Junior was essentially ostracized, cast out and labeled a shallow minded, overprotective, killjoy. The family rallied around Junior’s love-struck teen daughter, and Junior became the family pariah. He soon lost all contact with his daughter and subsequently the whole family.
“But we know that all things work out for good, for those who love God!” - Romans 8:28
Junior was nervous encountering his daughter at lunch. In seeing her Dad after 6 years the Holy Spirit tugged at his daughters’ heart, causing her to reach out to him and express a desire to see him again for dinner. Junior was understandably anxious about their meeting, but excited for a second chance with his daughter. As the hour of their dinner meeting approached, one by one, each of Junior’s children reached out to him saying they also wanted to have dinner with him, as a family.
As he reconnected with all of his kids, the evening went better than Junior could have ever imagined. All of Junior’s alleged mistakes in his children’s eyes, were now re- examined through the wisdom that only maturity can provide. Junior made plans to attend a son’s upcoming track meet, get coffee with an older daughter, and they even entertained the possibility of him moving back in with them.
Junior acknowledged that this “chance” meeting was a Divine Appointment ordained by God! From being at the Mission, to the coincidental meeting with his daughter, to the reality of a completely restored relationship with his family, Junior realizes God has been working in his life all the while!
Transformations frequently take place here at Klamath Falls Gospel Mission. God uses Mission staff to create an environment where He alone is glorified. His miracles take place here continually! Junior wouldn’t have believed it, if he hadn’t experienced it himself. And if you ask him, I’m sure he’ll tell you he has a new favorite food… Pizza!
Everyone gave up on him, a regular fixture at Veteran’s Park, John relied on the sympathy of a compassionate community to sustain him, yet he was too prideful to ask for help.
John is a Vietnam Veteran, a hero, that lived a very hard life. Substance abuse and deep anger alienated him from civil society. John’s stubborn defiance was the root cause of his homelessness; a lifetime of burnt bridges, made him a bitter and resentful man.
Klamath Falls is a small and collaborative community. John successfully alienated himself with every community partner in town including the VA, DHS and Dept of Aging and Disability, that’s when he was dropped off at Klamath Falls Gospel Mission. Staff at the Gospel Mission refused to give up on John.
John brought that same angry defiance to the Gospel Mission. Unwilling to conform to structure at the Mission, John would frequently leave in an angry rage, only to return after staff left for the day. Slowly and incrementally, John surrendered, finally realizing we were working for him, toward what was best for him, and trying to teach him how to provide that for himself.
At 75 years young, the Holy Spirit began to soften John’s heart as he realized the love of Christ expressed through servants at the Gospel Mission. Finally, John started to show appreciation for assistance given him, and God opened doors that had long been closed to him.
After nearly a year of advocating for John, KFGM Staff were finally able to secure a spot for him at a care facility capable of giving him the care and assistance he needs. By the grace of God, John can now live out the rest of his days in a safe, stable HOME.
This is the work of Klamath Falls Gospel Mission – Rescue, Recovery and Renewal. After being rescued from the streets, John’s surrender to the love of God found here at KFGM gave him a new life – indoors.